Sagittarian New Moon - AEDT -December 4, 2021 – 6:42pm
The completion of our current eclipse cycle is marked by a momentous Sagittarian New Moon configuration. This Eclipse cycle started in May 2020, when a very extensive amount of the human population world-wide were in lock-down due to the ongoing pandemic we are all enduring together.
These life-changing experiences will reverberate through the generations as changes in our values and priorities in profound ways are aided and assisted by the big wake-up call around Gaia, as represented astrologically by Uranus in Taurus, and Pluto in Capricorn. This big picture of global change affects us all, future generations of humans and all other species on the planet.
(I will not go into the details of all the worldly events which concur with the massive earthly shifts we are undergoing, but suffice-it-to-say, climate change is up there at the top).
Sagittarius New Moon ‘21
The Sun and Moon are conjunct the South Node (past experiences and systemic belief systems) and oppose Ceres and Dark Moon Lilith. The mind-sets and belief systems around the deep feminine as well as the way we nourish and sustain ourselves, highlighted in the questioning of women’s places in our crumbling male-dominated patriarchy(Pluto in Capricorn), as well as arising possibilities of finding more sustainable ways of growing and distributing food.
Economic systems are being deeply questioned and challenged by the very slow-moving Venus in Capricorn which makes three conjunctions to Pluto (11th and 25th December ‘21, and March 3rd ’22). Added to this is the very close inconjunct (aka quincunx) of the New Moon to Uranus in Taurus, which indicates a massive and electrifying shift in consciousness through the sudden purging of old ideas and belief systems which no longer serve us in our journey to The New Earth, based on Love and Freedom, rather on the fear and belief in lack of the old world.
Saturn travelling through Aquarius until March 2023, is giving us plenty of ways to test the constraints of the old world with all its outdated patriarchal structures and codes, against the backdrop of revolutionary and universal Aquarian principles.
These big shifts of perspective are coming to us in waves and bursts, this is the way Uranus works to break up old structures. Many people are talking about powering forward in their awakening and then finding themselves caught up in having to clear the outdated notions and infra-structures in their lives.
Mercury is conjunct the New Moon in Sagittarius, giving us the perfect time to verbalise and express our visualizations for what we’d like to manifest in our own trajectories as well as the global future and transmutation into ‘The New Earth’.
It is important to stay buoyed-up by new possibilities; letting go of old ideas and plans you had based on the way the world was, and stay anchored in your own integrity, your truth.
There are powerful fiery waves of dynamic energy surging through us one minute, and then exhaustion in the next as our energy bodies integrate the new frequencies at their own individual paces. The robust square between Jupiter and Mars means that things are moving along at quite a velocity, this is why it is important to be attuned to your own system and not be swept away by the collective, or outside authorities.
Mercury is square Neptune, assiting our imaginations as we craft our collective visualization of the New Earth; but the shadow side of this is the pervasion of misinformation, disinformation, half-truths, illusions and delusions, which are not making things easier for us to find our own compass. Neptune has just gone direct again fortunately, which will mitigate some of the fog of confusion around the communication of information.
The big questions around the use of force and combat in our war-torn, gun-toting territorially divided world are highlighted by Mars in Scorpio inconjunct Eris in Aries. The classic symbolism for Eris, the dark fierce feminine, (yet interestingly regarded as a higher octave of the primal fighting and warring instincts of Mars energy), represents the feminine way, connected to Gaia’s own boundary systems, which are protective and judicious.
As we continue to travel through the photon belt and the Sun moves towards the Galactic point, at 27º Sagittarius, the possibility for a lasting evolutionary momentum touches our lives with Light and Space, equipping us for a whole new level of consciousness, glimpses of which, many of us are experiencing in between the great challenges we are all faced with at this time.
If you are reading this article, then you are part of the New Earth.
Reflect on how privileged you are to have the awareness you do, the time to analyze and take an overview perspective of these exceptional times we share.
Breathe, and feel the immense opportunity and honor it is to be alive at this time on our beautiful planet, Mother Earth.