Supermoon Aquarian Full Moon

We have all been feeling the powerful evolutionary forces at work for months (and for some, years) now, as well as the ongoing and manifest conflict between the old world we are leaving behind, and the new world we are arriving into.

 The Saturn-Uranus square that we experienced all through 2021 and earlier this year is intensifying and will be exact by degree again during the first half of October, closest on the 1st October, at 18° Aquarius-Taurus. 

 This Full Moon amplifies all the cosmic configurations within our sphere powerfully, as it is a Supermoon (this means that the Moon orbits at its closest position to Earth, aka Perigee Moon). It’s a bit like experiencing a large magnifying glass between us and the heavens. The intensity is palpable because there is a dynamic and potentially life-changing Fixed Grand Cross between the Sun in Leo opposing the Aquarian Moon, which is conjunct Saturn and squares the North Node which is conjunct Uranus and Mars, and ofcourse opposing the South node.  (see the diagram of the chart with the orange square drawn in).


The Fixed Grand Cross is like a dynamic circuit of energy which can have the effect of shape- shifting and rearranging the status quo in a general sense, and in a more personal way if it triggers anything in your own natal chart.

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